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Changing your body corporate manager simplified
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We have no alignment to any particular body corporate manager. We also do not have any incentive to prefer any particular body corporate manager over another.
We understand that our long term growth is dependent on us having high quality body corporate managers joining our network. Excellent body corporate managers leads to satisfied owners corporations and that's what we set out to achieve.
With this in mind we have a lengthy and onerous application procedure. Quality monitoring does not stop after the owners corporation appoints one of our managers as we conduct interviews with owners corporation periodically after appointment to ensure the body corporate manager is performing to expectations.
We saw the imbalance between the knowledge of the body corporate managers and that of their clients the members of an owners corporation. We set out to partly redress this by giving the owners more choices and providing greater transparency into the process of appointing a new manager and terminating the incumbent.
We get paid by the body corporate manager when they are appointed by an owners corporation. There is no cost to the owners corporations and our competitive tendering process assures owners great value.
We are based in Melbourne and currently operate principally in Victoria and NSW. We're expanding into other states as we are able to find and sign-on suitable body corporate managers.